8 Freebies, Offers, and Incentives to Promote Your Yoga Studio

If you’re a yoga studio owner, you know that it can be tough to get people in the door. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 11 freebies, offers, and incentives that you can use to promote your studio! From free classes to discounts on merchandise, we’ve got something for everyone.

1. Free Classes

One of the best ways to get new clients into your studio is by offering them a free class. This will allow them to experience what it’s like without paying anything upfront, making it easier for you to convert them into paid members down the road.

Consider different options when deciding how long and how often they should be able to redeem the free class. You could offer a single, one-time complimentary class, or you could extend it to a week or even a month. Just be sure that there are some restrictions (like not being able to use it for group classes) so that you’re not losing money on your promotions.

2. Discounts

Another great way to get people in the door is by offering them discounts on your merchandise. This could be anything from yoga mats and clothes to water bottles and snacks.

Promote this offer prominently on your website and social media pages, as well as in person at your studio. Consider creating a special promotional code that people can use when they make their purchases.

Offer discounts to new clients on the first few classes that they take at your studio. It will give them an incentive to come back and continue their practice, and it’ll help you break even on your investment in new students.

3. Health and Wellness Giveaways

Get people excited about their health and wellness by giving away products that promote these things. Consider offering a yoga mat, water bottle, or T-shirt as part of your giveaway package. Include the best candle brands to help them relax after a long day of work or school.

These products build up hype around your studio before it opens. For a unique giveaway, partner with a local health food store or juice bar to offer a complimentary month-long membership.

4. VIP Memberships

Consider offering VIP memberships to increase customer retention. These offers are best for yoga studios with multiple locations. The membership will allow members to access all their classes and facilities no matter where they live.

VIP membership can be expensive, but you can provide discounts on their first month’s membership fee. You can also offer complimentary classes when they buy a VIP package.

free classes from yoga studio

5. Referral Programs

One of the best ways to get new students into your studio is by word of mouth. Offer a referral program that rewards people for getting their friends and family members to come in for classes. This could be anything from a free class to a discount on merchandise.

Promote your referral program prominently on your website and social media pages. Print flyers and post them in local businesses. Incentivize your current students by giving them discounts on their next month’s membership for every person they refer to your studio.

6. Free Coaching

Offer free coaching to your students. This could be anything from a one-on-one session with an instructor or an online video that shows them how to do their practice correctly at home. It’s also a great way for instructors to build up rapport with their clients.

Offer these coaching sessions as part of your regular membership or charge an additional fee for them. Either way, it’s a great way to generate interest in your studio and attract new clients.

7. Training to Future Yogis

Host free training sessions for future yogis. This especially works for students or members who would love to make a career out of it later.

Offer different training programs for different age groups. You could also partner with other studios in the area to offer joint training sessions. This will help you build a network of yoga professionals and attract new students to your studio.

8. Free Workshops

Host free workshops on a variety of topics. They can be anything from meditation to asana practice. You could also partner with other businesses in the area that offer complementary services, like acupuncture or massage therapy.

Consider hosting these workshops at local businesses or parks on weekends or evenings when you have extra space available for them. This strategy will give people an opportunity to see what your studio has to offer without having to pay anything upfront.

Yoga studios are a great place for people to improve their physical, mental, and emotional health. By using some or all of these promotional ideas, you can increase attendance at your studio and attract new students.


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