A Home Buyer’s Guide to Identifying Signs of Water Damage

A bit of water damage won’t hurt, right? Well, water damage is actually one of the more destructive elements of nature that could cause widespread damage, with some being permanent. In fact, 37% of homeowners have lost a good amount of value to their home since they didn’t address such issues.

If you’re looking to buy a home for your family, you’ll need to look at tell-tale signs of water damage. This will give you a comprehensive idea of the home’s condition and repairs that you might have to make.

Look at the Walls

Walls will comprise a good chunk of the home’s structure, and any type of water damage will usually result in very noticeable damage to walls and ceilings. You’ll need to observe the quality and the condition of the walls in every room that you’re inspecting. Discolouration and stains are a dead give-away that there’s water damage. In some cases, discolouration might also be caused by direct long-term exposure to sunlight, although it’s not as serious as water damage.

Fixing and replacing stained walls doesn’t seem like much of an issue, right? Well, it’s going to cost hundreds of dollars, depending on the extent of the damage and the size of the house. Not only can water damage your walls, but this can spread to your furniture, appliances and cause rotting in wooden surfaces.

When it comes to HVAC systems, the build

up of humidity in the area can lead to an increased risk of mould growth.

Consider the Piping System

One of the most important aspects of a home that you’ll need to keep in mind is flowing water on the house that you’re interested in. Water damage might be subtle in most cases, but you’ll definitely see some noticeable damages on piping systems. Most experts would say that the pipes are corroded once you start seeing a blue-green tint on copper pipes and when you start seeing red-brownish rust on steel pipes. This is often a sign that the pipes are already past their lifespan.

piping system

Here are some ways of checking for possible damages to the plumbing system of a potential home:

  1. Try flushing all the toilets that are present in the home to see if they are working in prosperity.

    They should completely drain and fill up after flushing. You might want to take note if it’s having trouble filling up again or if the water is running slower than usual.

  2. You might want to test out the water pressure of the shower.

    If there’s low pressure when you’re running from one outlet, you will be able to know the pressure on the house. If the pressure is slow, this might be because of a backed-up piping system.

  3. Check the heating system.

    If you see rust and mould formations, there’s an issue with the system.

  4. Lastly, leaks can be one of the main reasons why there’s a sudden change in the pressure.

    Look what’s under the sink and what’s around the toilets. If there’s “sweating” and discolouration on wells, this means that there’s water leaking off pipes.

If you’re not quite sure what type of damages you should be looking for, you can always commission the services of a home inspector that will perform a comprehensive inspection of your piping system. Sometimes, you’re looking for an older home that might have an older plumbing system, which can be a bit trickier to remedy. Fortunately, there are reputable plumbing companies that are well-versed with different types of pipelines and are specially-trained in identifying issues through state-of-the-art equipment.

Having an idea on an old home’s piping system can help paint a bigger picture of what type of renovations you might have to make in the future and issues that could happen down the line. In most cases, experts would recommend an inspection of pipe and sewer lines every two decades.

Water damage can cause a variety of problems to the integrity of the home. Discerning water damages can save you a whole lot of heartache, as long as you know where to look. After all, flowing water is a necessity in our daily lives, and a home without a proper piping system might cause future problems.

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