The Best Businesses to Start Based on Latest Internet Search Trends

Can you take a wild guess how much time people spend on the Internet? An average American spends about two hours and three minutes on social media. But that was before the virus hit town. The use of the internet actually increased by leaps and bounds during the pandemic. COVID-19 pushed up internet use to about 70%. Imagine that. This shows that many people now live their lives on the internet. For some people, like those wanting to start a business, this can certainly be a glorious opportunity.

Why? It’s simple. The internet is bound to tell you its secrets. If you are looking to start a new business, you can start looking at internet search trends. These trends are a guide as to what people need now. This helps you know your target customers and what exactly they need. And in doing so, you inch closer to taking a big share of the pie.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive right in. And take a look at the best businesses to start according to the latest internet search trends.

Home Improvement 

One aspect which many people concentrated on during the pandemic is home improvement. That’s why the common searches were: “home garden” and “how to snake a toilet.” This shows that people are now all about increasing sustainability.

For instance, Home Depot specializes in home improvement and has seen a massive increase in sales this period.

The garden and home category have seen up to a 140% increase with customer visits on pages. Most of the consumers are interested in plumbing and gardening. These two categories together have seen an increase of about 245%.

People have gotten interested in raising livestock. And also planting vegetables in their gardens. Thus, the increase in consumers for gardening equipment. The same goes for plumbing. People are now interested in doing the plumbing work themselves.

Fitness and Health 

We will all agree that staying fit and healthy during a pandemic is hard. The pandemic encouraged eating junk foods and a sedentary lifestyle. And these two together equates to weight gain. For this reason, many people concentrated on fitness and improving health during the pandemic.

One of the searches that increased during the pandemic is weight loss. Many people downloaded fitness and health apps during the pandemic. While for some, they ordered equipment for exercise during the pandemic.

Many companies focus on fitness and health. A glorious example here is Lakeside manufacturing company. This reliable organization provides a diverse line of medical-related products, among other products. In short, they’re exactly what the COVID-19 situation calls for. To boot, their products safely transport, organize and store medical equipment. In the process, people can easily order their products and have them delivered without stress.

Pet Products 

During the pandemic, there has been a 50% increase in page views related to pets. The lockdown period was an encouraging period for many people to adopt a pet. In New York, people adopted ten times more pets. And in Los Angeles, there has been a 70% increase in pet adoptions.

This shows that more people would be interested in getting pet products for their newly adopted pets, especially in states like New York and Los Angeles.


gaming concept

This shouldn’t be so much of a surprise. Staying home during the pandemic was boring for many. And games were a comfort for many people. With this, there was an increase in interest in board games and video games.

Nintendo is one of the gaming companies that benefited from the pandemic. They were believed to be recession-proof with the high demand in their games. Their net asset grew to about $13billion with their new release, Animal crossing. Many people around the globe are raving about this game.

The increase in visits to game pages has been around 145%. So the gaming business is sure a good business idea for you.

Beauty Products 

During the pandemic, many people couldn’t go out to get their hair done. Thus causing an increase in people having their hair care routine. Also, people paid more attention to their skin. So people were also more invested in their skincare routines.

The consumer interest in beauty products has grown to be 36% more. With people getting more comfortable trying these things themselves, demand for products has increased. And this is not even something that has to do with women alone. Sales of hair clippers have also incredibly increased.

Indeed, there may not be a most opportune time for entrepreneurs than these days. If you harness the internet search trend to your benefit, chances are you’re bound to corner a greater share of some cool cash. Even better, the internet is also your tool for reaching out to prospective customers.

We definitely have the internet to thank for a lot of things. So, waste no more time and take the bull by the horn. And profit handsomely thereafter.

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