The Progress of a Career in the Construction Industry

The construction industry is like the literal backbone of any economy because, without it, lands will remain undeveloped and therefore, cannot be occupied by commercial businesses. Although the industry might not be receiving all the glory it deserves, its value cannot be entirely dismissed.

That’s why even if the careers in construction are characterized by laborious tasks and backbreaking duties, there are still a lot of people becoming fond of the trade. These people who want to build their careers in construction know that they are in for a long ride, but they pursue it nonetheless.

If you belong to this population of people who prefer honing their tangible skills and talents than stocking up on knowledge, a career in the construction industry can be perfect for you. It’s possible that you might not have an idea how such a career progresses. In this case, here is a quick breakdown for you:

Education and Training

Unlike in highly structured careers, experts in the construction industry often favor skills over formal educational backgrounds when they hire employees. These invaluable skills can only be gained by having hands-on experience in the field, which can be earned through apprenticeship programs.

The professionals who aspire to build their careers in construction can everything they can about their respective paths through on-the-job training or by joining an apprenticeship program. During this period that can last up to four years, you can experience working with blueprints or visit construction sites to see what happens first-hand.

There are plenty of career paths in the construction industry that won’t require a formal background in education. The only exemptions to the rule can be those who want to become architects or engineers because that career path comes with a mandatory requirement of a degree to get licensed.

Certification for Operatives

After gaining experience that can make any aspiring professional an indispensable member of their team, they would need to get certified to practice their profession. Most certifications come with a set of requirements that can vary depending on your chosen specialization or where you plan to work.

Usually, professionals will be given an identification card that can verify that they are licensed to practice. In the world of construction, this is called the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) card, which can only be issued by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).

To get this certification, you would have to undergo the CITB Health, Safety, and Environment test to ensure that you have taken the awareness course to practice your trade. This test applies to most common trades such as general labor, site operations, carpentry, and ground-work.

Licensed Professional or Specialist


If you’re planning to pursue a more specialized career path that isn’t common trade, you would need to earn a different certification. In this case, you will need to undergo specialist test options for your respective fields, such as the plumbing or gas test if you were to become a plumber.

These specialist tests can also be taken for managerial or professional positions, highway works, or demolition, to name a few. The reasoning behind this is that specialists or licensed professionals will need to have a deeper understanding of their chosen crafts and embody the standards set by the CITB.

Businessperson or Manager

Once you have all the certifications you need to practice in the construction industry, you are free to go where your path takes you. Some professionals choose to pursue further education before they apply for managerial positions or even start their own business of construction services.

You can also look into lifelong learning opportunities if you want to acquire more skills that are relevant to your trade, or further improve the skills that you already have. The best thing about making your own path is that you are not pressured by the success metrics and goals set by others.

So if you do decide to start a business in this niche, the most important thing that you must remember is to put your team’s skills, talent, and experience as your highest priority. Having educated employees can be beneficial to the success of your business, but what some may lack in educational background, they can make up for with their valuable experience.

The ultimate make-or-break test in any career is having the ability to gauge whether the path that you’re on is still worth taking. That’s because the goals that you set in the past may no longer hold true at the present. So don’t pursue a career that you know won’t bring you satisfaction; instead, pursue the path that will bring you joy and showcase your true potential.

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