Changing for Climate Change: Where Companies Should Start

The effects of climate change are already causing damage around the world, and they are only going to get worse. It is a huge problem; businesses need to start paying attention to it if they want to protect their bottom line.

Climate change is already costing businesses billions of dollars each year. For example, insurance companies are losing billions of dollars because of natural disasters’ increased frequency and severity. The costs of mitigating and adapting to climate change will only grow, so businesses need to start planning for it now.

Not only will climate change cost businesses money, but it will also impact their ability to operate. For example, droughts and floods can disrupt transportation and the availability of raw materials. Extreme weather events can also damage property and equipment. With these potential problems becoming more of a possibility for businesses, there needs to be a concrete action plan against climate change. If you don’t know where to start, these protocols could provide a good entry point in the battle against climate change.

Climate Change Awareness

Everything that needs solutions always starts with awareness. The first step businesses should take becoming aware of how climate change could affect their company. The strategy begins with your actions, which you can resonate with your employees. You can bulk up your knowledge by reading reports, such as the National Climate Assessment and attending webinars and conferences. Once you understand what climate change is and how it could potentially impact your business, you are now responsible for conveying the message to your staff.

You can start with a company-wide climate change policy that will be the guiding document for all future decisions related to climate change. The policy should state your company’s commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and list the specific goals you hope to achieve. After creating the procedure, ensure it gets communicated throughout the organization so everyone is on the same page.

Carbon Footprint Reduction

After familiarizing yourself with climate change and its effects, you need to sit down and determine your company’s carbon footprint situation. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by an organization or activity. To assess your company’s carbon footprint, you will need to track all of your sources of emissions for a specific period. This data can establish a baseline against which you can measure future progress.

Once you have determined your company’s carbon footprint, you can start working on reducing it. There are many ways to do this, but some popular methods include:

  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Reducing transportation emissions
  • Switching to renewable energy
  • Investing in carbon offsets

These are just a few ways to reduce your company’s carbon footprint. Once you have implemented some of these strategies, you should start to see a reduction in emissions.

Resource Efficiency

Another way businesses can start fighting climate change is by becoming more resource-efficient. It means using fewer resources overall and wasting less of the resources you do use.

There are many ways to become more resource-efficient, but the standard method involves pursuing renewable energy, energy efficiency, and water conservation. You can start by conducting an audit of your company’s resource use. These acts will give you a better idea of where you can improve. Once you have identified areas for improvement, you can start implementing more efficient policies and procedures.

Waste Reduction

Businesses pursuing recycling initiatives

Since you are already making ways to improve how you handle company resources, you can start focusing on waste. Waste reduction is another way to fight climate change. It involves reducing the waste your company produces and finding ways to recycle or reuse that waste. There are many ways to reduce waste, but some standard methods include:

  • Reducing packaging
  • Improving office recycling programs
  • Minimizing food waste
  • Encouraging employees to reduce waste

These are just a few ways to reduce the amount of waste your company produces. Once you have implemented some of these strategies, you should start to see a reduction in the amount of garbage you make.

TCFD Recommendations

Now that you know how companies can begin to fight climate change, it is crucial to understand the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. The Financial Stability Board created the TCFD in 2015. Its mandate is to develop voluntary, consistent climate-related financial disclosures for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, and insurers.

Businesses should start by evaluating their current disclosure practices to implement these recommendations. They should then identify where they need to improve and make the necessary changes. After implementing the new disclosure practices, businesses should monitor their progress to ensure they make the required disclosures.

The recommendations help businesses make informed decisions related to climate change. The policy should state your company’s commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and list the specific goals you hope to achieve. After creating the procedure, ensure it gets communicated throughout the organization so everyone is on the same page.


Businesses play a crucial role in the fight against climate change. They can start by reducing their carbon footprint, becoming more resource-efficient, and reducing waste. Additionally, businesses should implement the TCFD recommendations to improve their disclosure practices. Companies can help make a difference in the fight against climate change by taking these steps.

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