Dealing with Different Types of Problem Tenants

The profitability of renting out multi-family residential properties can be a long-term business. The main advantage of this type of investment is that it offers stability and consistency over time. In addition, the cash flow generated by this type of property will usually cover most, if not all, of the associated expenses.

However, even the most well-run rental properties can occasionally have problem tenants. While some problems may be minor and quickly resolved, others can be more serious and difficult to manage. The key to dealing with problem tenants is identifying the issue as soon as possible and then taking appropriate action to resolve the situation. You might encounter a few common problems with your tenants, even if they looked okay when finalizing the contract.

Late or Non-Payers

It can be challenging for landlords to deal with late or non-payers, as it can disrupt the cash flow and affect the bottom line. There should be room for flexibility in payment arrangements to ensure that renters can accomplish them. However, it does not mean they get to abuse it. A contract stipulation to pay on time should be part of the agreement, allowing landlords to collect rent payments on time. It might include setting up an automatic withdrawal from the tenant’s bank account or using a third-party service to collect payments.

If a tenant is late on rent, the landlord should take action as soon as possible. The steps might involve sending a reminder notice or even starting the eviction process. The sooner the problem is addressed, the better the landlord can avoid any further disruptions. Landlords may have to get a court bailiff service to deal with those renters.

In some cases, problem tenants can be turned around with effort. If the tenant is generally responsible but has hit a rough patch, working out a payment plan or giving them extra time to catch up on rent might be all that’s needed. However, if the tenant is uncooperative or doesn’t seem to be making any effort to improve the situation, it might be time to start the eviction process.

Noise Complaint Collector

A renter struggling to sleep because of noise

As a landlord, you need to learn how to deal with renters hosting parties and making a lot of noise. These disruptions can affect the peaceful environment of the space and make it difficult for other tenants to live in the area. If the problem persists, it can also decrease property values and lost rental income.

Landlords should address the situation as soon as possible by sending a warning letter to the offending tenant. If the behavior does not stop, the landlord may have to start the eviction process. It is important to remember that landlords should always follow the appropriate legal procedures when evicting a tenant.


DIY home renovations can be a great way for renters to personalize their units and make them feel more like home. However, landlords need to be aware that these renovations can also cause property damage and disrupt the other tenants in the building. To minimize these problems, landlords should learn to deal with renters who constantly perform DIY home renovations.

One of the best ways to deal with this problem is to set clear rules and expectations for renters before they start their renovations. Putting it in the contract or lease agreement can prevent the issue. Landlords can also create a policy specifying what types of renovations are allowed and what kinds of materials they can use.

If a tenant does not follow the rules or causes damage to the property, the landlord should take action. It might involve sending a warning letter or starting the eviction process.

Illegal Subletters

Landlords should know how to deal with illegal subletters to avoid legal complications. Illegally subletting a property can lead to various problems, including eviction and legal action.

Landlords should always screen potential tenants carefully before renting to them. It includes checking their credit history and references. If a landlord suspects that a tenant is illegally subletting the property, they should investigate this further. Asking the tenant for proof of occupancy or checking with the municipality to confirm property registration in the tenant’s name is two of your options.


Landlords need to deal with lawbreaking tenants for several reasons. First and foremost, it is the law. Tenants who break the law can cause serious problems for landlords, including fines, eviction, and even jail time.

Furthermore, lawbreaking tenants can be disruptive and dangerous to other tenants in the building. They can also damage property and decrease the value of the rental unit. In some cases, they may even pose a threat to the safety of others.

Landlords should always take action against lawbreaking tenants as soon as possible. By dealing with these tenants quickly and effectively, landlords can minimize the adverse effects on their property and community. It might be as simple as violating a no-pet policy or committing spousal abuse.

Dealing with problem tenants can be difficult, but landlords need to take action as soon as possible. By taking the appropriate steps, landlords can avoid further disruptions and keep their rental properties running smoothly.

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