Appease Eco-Conscious Home Buyers with These Features

There is no better time to sell sustainable goods than now. More people are aware of the impact of their consumption on the environment. Many are afraid of the consequences of climate change.

Previous surveys have confirmed that consumers prefer green brands. One study from IBM and the National Retail Federation spoke to thousands of customers from across 28 countries, including all age groups. They found that two-thirds of consumers from North America would rather support eco-friendly businesses.

This preference for sustainability applies to how they choose their homes, too.

Young homebuyers, especially, are looking for options that promise to minimize their negative impact on the planet. Moreover, they are willing to pay more for houses with sustainable features.

Blending in with Nature

Stone is one of the oldest building materials around. It was used for centuries because of its durability and capacity to provide insulation. Over time, other building materials emerged and became popular but, to this day, stone remains to be a coveted addition to a home.

Stone, aside from being durable, has a classic charm. When installed on a house’s exterior, it boosts curb appeal. Indoors, stone features can make the atmosphere feel more relaxing.

There are a variety of reasons why home buyers want stone features on the house. However, its most important appeal is where it came from. Stone, of course, is from the natural environment. Adding it to a home brings nature to the property.

There are multiple ways to incorporate stone into the property. It can be used as a siding to create the illusion of living in a stone house. Using it as functional decor works, too. Consider having a stone address marker to set the property apart from its neighbors.

Stone is weather-proof and low-maintenance. It also looks better over time.

Powered by the Sun

A lot of eco-conscious home buyers probably are already thinking about switching to a renewable source of power. The United States is still largely reliant on non-renewable energy sources which are known to emit massive amounts of greenhouse gases. Many people want the capacity to generate their own power via green alternatives.

solar panels on the roof

Harvesting energy via a solar panel allows a house to be independent of the grid. It has a significantly lower carbon footprint than the grid. It also reduces a household’s expenditure on utilities.

At present, solar panels are no longer a luxury. In the past decades, the cost of ownership has fallen, making it more affordable for more people.

In addition, in some states, the presence of solar panels can increase a house’s value by up to 9.9 percent. In New Jersey, a house already fitted with solar panels can gain an extra $32,281 for the median-valued home, according to Zillow.

Sellers should invest in solar panels to attract eco-conscious buyers.

Energy-Efficiency Baked Into the Home

What if parts of the house are working toward reducing a household’s carbon footprint and energy efficiency? The doors and windows are fairly easy to replace and quite affordable, too. However, it can make the most difference.

About 76 percent of the sunlight that enters through a window becomes heat. It raises the interior temperature and increases the need for cooling during warmer months. Through the window, 10 percent of heat also escapes. This makes it harder for central heating to raise the indoor temperature. Windows can be energy-efficient.

Similarly, doors, too, can be sustainable and can help lower electricity use. Air can find its way out of the gaps around the door. It will make the air conditioner work harder to cool the room during summer. A door that has a tighter fit and has multi-paneling helps air conditioning cool the home.

No Energy-Guzzling Electronics

Modern appliances use less energy than their predecessors. Advances have been made, and energy efficiency has been programmed into new home appliances. A 10-year-old refrigerator, for example, guzzles twice as much energy as a new model. Old refrigerators also used chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as refrigerants, and they are also strong greenhouse gases.

No new refrigerators use CFCs anymore, so they are far better for the environment. Other new electronics are also more energy-efficient and, although they are not perfect, are developed to become less harmful to the planet.

There is a demand for greenhouses now that people experience the consequences of climate change, and they want to do something about it. More can be done to prevent an environmental collapse in the near future, but individuals can make a difference, too, by choosing options that are less destructive.

Selling a house that has eco-friendly will help individuals and families lower their impact on the environment.

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