Home Improvements of the Rich and Famous

For people who earn millions, a sprawling mansion seems like the perfect home. However, many of them are not satisfied with the initial product. Millionaires all over the world invest in home improvements like normal people. The big difference is the scale of the improvements and the expense. Here’s a peek at what some of the rich are spending their money on to upgrade their home.

Having Some Fun With Water

One of the favored upgrades that wealthy people love is a swimming pool. No mansion is complete without a large pool of water where the owner can swim every day or have a nice cocktail during hot summer days. A good swimming pool, especially one that is Olympic-sized will costs quite a bit of money. It can also be expensive to maintain if it is outdoors. The popularity of indoor swimming pools is a reflection of that. Indoor pools can cost up to a quarter of a million dollars.

But that is just the beginning. With a pool already there, many people add some more relaxing features like hot tubs and even a sauna. There is no better way to relax with one of these in a mansion. These can also be expensive with price tags reaching five figures.

Getting Fancy With Glass

Glass is one of the fancier building materials out there. It looks great, and the effect on lighting can be great. The wealthy can take it to another level. Conservatories are great home additions that focus on glass sidings and even glass skylights. These are perfect rooms for meeting with guests or even a small party. It combines being able to see out with indoor comforts. They are also pretty expensive. Many conservatory builders and contractors usually price these home additions at a minimum of $10,000. The price only goes up depending on the complexity.

Besides conservatories, you can also have a year-round garden with a greenhouse. Similar to conservatories, these have similar glass sidings and roofs. They also have additional features so that plants have a better chance of survival inside them.

Creating A Quiet Place

vintage designed home library

For those of the more intellectual bent, there are also nice home improvements that can look impressive. A home library for a mansion is more than just a collection of books. This is usually a dedicated room with tables and chairs for reading. There is even good lighting. The real stars are the wood shelves and the books on them. Depending on the size of the room, homeowners might end up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on it.

Sports And Fun Have Their Place

If a person can’t have fun in their own home, then it can’t be considered a home. There are several upgrades that the rich do for their amusement. One of these is building a home theater. They can have their film festivals, with their comfy seats and maximum legroom. Another favorite addition is the game room. For those who like to play pool and maybe smoke some cigars, this is the perfect place to relax.

For The Dedicated Collector

The wealthy have some pretty expensive hobbies. One of these is collecting whether it is baseball cards or wine. Some even collect cars. To protect their collection, they often build dedicated places in their house for it. The normal collection room usually has display cabinets so that they can show off for visitors. This is the cheapest option. For wine collectors, a wine cellar is a necessity and can be very expensive. Wine needs to be at a particular temperature so that it can have the best taste. Additionally, wine cellars need to store the wine the right way for maximum effect. Car collectors have the most expensive collection storage since they will usually need a massive garage for their cars.

Something For The Pets

The rich like to pamper themselves, but that pampering doesn’t stop with them. It extends to their pets. There is no greater sign of luxury than having a dedicated pet room. You might have a doghouse in your backyard, but the wealthy have doggie rooms that cater to their pet’s whims. Some of these pets are exotic, too. An aquarium full of tropical fish can cost a homeowner up to a million dollars depending on the features in it.

For the wealthy, these improvements make their home a castle. They’re not wasting their money either. These upgrades add value to the house, and that can make them more valuable when they come up for sale in the future.

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