How Food Trucks Are Helping People Eat Better

The recent record of World Population Review shows that the number of obese people is close to 2.1 billion, or about 30% of the world’s population. The alarming part is these numbers keep on growing as many people continue their unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. The recorded annual fatality related to obesity had increased by around 3 million, and the most common causes are diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

By definition, an obese person has a body mass index or BMI of 30 or higher. Obesity has three categories, which are Class 1 (BMI score is 30 to <35), Class 2 (BMI score is 35 to <40, and Class 3 (BMI score is 40 and up and considered as extremely obese). BMI is a definitive screening test and determines obesity. The BMI score is calculated using the person’s height in meters and weight in kilograms. The acceptable range of BMI is 18.5 to <25.

Eating Better, Less Processed Foods

There is a real correlation in eating processed foods and a person’s health outcomes. The possible risk is developing various diseases such as obesity, autoimmune conditions, cancer, and death. The increased health risk is alarming, but ultra-processed foods fill up the staggering 57.9 percent of energy intake among most peopl.

Based on the report of the NOVA food classification system, the examples of these ultra-processed foods are frozen meals, soft drinks, meat nuggets, packaged snacks, and other foods that are high in additives and low in unprocessed ingredients. A person who is on an ultra-processed diet consumes an additional 508 calories each day compared to a person who eats traditional food. This results in gaining an average of 2 pounds or 0.9 kilograms that commonly comes in the form of body fat.

The Good Food from Food Trucks

Smiling waiter taking order from customer at counter

  1. The American Heart Association recommends oats and Grains – eating oats and grains since it can improve the heart’s health. These foods are rich in essential dietary fiber and can balance a diet that is low in saturated and trans fats.
  2. Fresh Shakes and Smoothies – any shake or smoothie is healthy as long as there are no sweet ingredients added. Choose the right fruits, add some protein, good fats, and plant milk, and you can enjoy a healthy drink that is as tasty and satisfying as those sweetened and high-calorie ones.
  3. Healthy Sandwiches and Wraps – forget about the traditional burgers of fast-food restaurants and choose the healthy sandwiches and wraps on sale in food trucks. You can go with the high protein ingredients like chicken, beef, and tofu or add an unlimited layer of veggies like lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes.
  4. Low-Calorie and Low-Fat Dishes – foods that are low in calories and fats are not only useful for losing weight. It also helps in lowering a person’s risk of different severe medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol.
  5. Sugar-Free Desserts – aside from trimming down your waistline and lowering your risk with different illnesses, these sugar-free desserts can also control hunger and cravings, enhance mental clarity, and improve energy levels.

Food trucks all over the world offer tastier, cheaper, and healthier options than fast-food fare. They are also convenient since they make it a point to travel to your location or congregate at a spot that’s accessible to a lot of people.  Besides the variety and the affordable price point, being able to choose healthier and fresher food is its biggest come-on. It’s a chance for artisanal cooks and producers to showcase their food and creations that are low in salt, additives, preservatives, calories, sugars, but packed full of flavor and fun!

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