Pointers for Increasing Employee Morale During a Pandemic

The pandemic had a significant effect on the morale of many employees. They had to make adjustments after their employers asked them to work from home to avoid catching the virus. It was challenging for them to adjust to the situation since they had to work simultaneously to help the children with their schoolwork.

The numerous business closures also made the employees anxious about their job security. Due to this, their mental health suffered as they kept on thinking about what will happen if they lose their jobs. But managers can do something to calm their nerves and increase their morale during a pandemic. Here are the different ways a manager can support their employees until everything goes back to normal.

Look After the Health of the Employees

The pandemic highlighted the importance of staying physically and mentally healthy. Many companies have stepped up to keep their employees healthy by letting them work from home. They can also provide emotional and mental support by letting their managers check up on their subordinates. For employees with disabilities, the company can extend personal assistance services (PAS) to help them remain productive even if they are working from home.

Recognizing that the employees are struggling with their work arrangements is the first step that the company can take. The company can also make sure that the employees know about the company’s Employee Assistance Program to help them with personal issues they are facing at home.

Show Genuine Appreciation and Recognition

When people feel the support of others, their motivation level goes up. This is particularly true when they are recognized for their efforts. So, the company should make sure to recognize the efforts of employees who contributed to its success.

If the employees are working from home, the managers can recognize their efforts through a video call. They can even announce it through a video conference with the other employees. For employees working in the office, the manager can approach the employee and commend them for their work.

Aside from recognizing the employees’ hard work, the company can also reward them for their efforts. Managers can hire a sailboat where the top employees of the month can enjoy a weekend going around the coast with their families. But the company should still make sure to follow proper health protocols.

woman using her laptop

Encourage Communication

Communication in the office offers a lot of benefits for both the company and the employees. It allows the company to align its goals with the goals of its employees. It also increases productivity and engagement among the employees and reduces turnover. Additionally, communication increases efficiency among remote or work-at-home employees.

With this, companies should encourage their employees to communicate. Companies can treat their employees as their partners. So, managers should make sure the employees are aware of any changes in the company’s policies as soon as they are official. They should not wait for monthly or quarterly meetings. They should also be consistent with their messages and make sure everyone stays updated with any changes in the company. This reduces instances of rumor-mongering, which can result in the spread of wrong information within the company.

Practice an Open-Door Policy

Practicing an open-door policy in the office makes the manager approachable and visible to the employees. An open-door policy encourages employees to communicate and provide feedback to their superiors about their work concerns. It also allows the manager to listen to suggestions from employees who do not have to worry about getting the ire of their superiors.

On the other hand, the employees should also be fair with their immediate superiors. There may be instances when the employee goes to the manager of their immediate supervisor since they are not comfortable talking with the supervisor. But they should approach their immediate supervisor first before going up to the next level in the corporate ladder. This allows any issues to be resolved by bringing them higher.

Help Employees Save

Another way to increase employees’ morale is to provide assistance, which they need at this point. The assistance does not mean giving dole-outs, but the company can help the employees save for their future.

For instance, the company can offer a program that puts a part of the employees’ payroll into an automatic savings account. Like the paywall program of UPS, the program sets aside funds that the employee can use in emergencies. The program should be voluntary, and the employees should know all the details about the program.

The pandemic had a huge effect on the morale of many employees across the country. Companies can boost their morale through simple yet effective programs for the benefit of their employees.

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