7 Tips to Designing the Most Efficient Restaurant Kitchen

How do you plan on designing your kitchen? We’ll assume that, as a restaurant owner or manager, you want to create the best possible environment for your chef and their team.

To keep them happy and motivated, you need to provide enough space and resources, so they can efficiently work together during busy service periods.

Follow these tips to design a kitchen that your chef will love!

1. Choose the Best Layout

The layout of your kitchen is one of the most important aspects, especially when your team is dealing with multiple cooking stations.

Make sure that there’s enough space to move around, without any disruptions from equipment or appliances, and make it as easy as possible for chefs to move from station to station.

To ensure this, allocate a specific amount of floor space for each task, such as prep work, ovens/ranges/grills/etc., dishwashing stations, trash compactors, etc., and keep all other areas clear.

Try using temporary dividers during peak service periods to give each station a little extra room.

2. Pick the Right Countertop

Chefs spend a lot of their time on their feet, so make sure to consider comfort and safety when you pick the right countertop.

A stone countertop installation such as granite is excellent for many reasons. First, stones are sturdy materials. They’re very durable and cannot be damaged by heat from large heavy pots. They can also handle many large objects in one shift.

Further, they fight bacteria and moisture well. They resist odors and stains, which means they don’t absorb grease and require less cleaning.

Granite countertops also provide excellent workspace, whether you like to stand or sit while cooking. They’re easy to clean and sanitize regularly, reducing the risk of illness or cross-contamination.

3. Design for Safety and Convenience

As with any commercial kitchen design, safety is an important factor to consider when planning your layout.

For example, avoid placing walk-in freezers next to dishwashing areas because it can increase the chances of accidents in busy periods when staff are moving around quickly. Instead, store that freezer behind another station where it’s easier for chefs to move around.

Make sure that you also consider the safety of your chef workforce. For example, it’s important to place knives in a safe area where they can’t be knocked over or grabbed by accident.

restaurant kitchen

4. Stock Up on Storage Space

A clear workspace is essential for chefs who need access to all tools at once. You want everything within reach. Make sure there’s plenty of countertop storage space as well as wall-mounted shelves.

Don’t underestimate the importance of floor space as well. You’ll definitely want room for extra equipment such as boxes of produce or sauces, trash compact, a large walk-in cooler, etc.

5. Create a Break Area

Your kitchen staff know how to get the job done, so why not give them a break area where they can relax and have fun?

A break area should include comfortable seating for chitchatting or eating lunch together, along with plenty of storage space for personal belongings. You may even want to provide this space with its own washroom facilities!

The breakroom is also an excellent place for chefs to chat about food trends and techniques when work is slow. Let your workers enjoy their time in this area. It will make them happy and reduce distractions in your restaurant’s food service areas during busy periods.

6. Determine Whether You Want Your Customers to See the Kitchen

Whether you want your customers to see the kitchen while they dine is largely a matter of personal preference.

If there’s enough space, you can incorporate some windows or glass walls to give guests an idea of what chefs are up to during dinner service. You may also be able to open up certain areas so that they have a clear view.

On the other hand, if you prefer not having your customers in direct contact with staff, consider using opaque materials for doors and walls during food preparation periods. This approach will help maintain privacy but still provide enough transparency for your chefs to see into adjacent stations.

7. Choose the Right Color Scheme for the Walls

Your dining room is important for branding, but don’t forget about the walls in your kitchen! For commercial kitchens, it’s probably best not to choose loud colors because they will interfere with workflow.

Instead opt for neutrals such as whites, grays, and browns. These colors don’t attract too much attention to themselves and can help create a clean environment that will remain durable for years.

You can also consider green since this color is soothing and relaxing to the eyes. This will help staff remain calm during busy shifts.

Overall, there are lots of factors to consider when designing a commercial kitchen for your restaurant. Whether it’s simple or complex, the best advice is to make sure that you’re focused on cleanliness and efficiency.

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