Moving Abroad: What to Pack, What to Get Rid Of

Moving will always be stressful no matter where you are or you have done it before. However, the process is even more nerve-wracking if you are planning to start a new life in a faraway country with a culture and tradition that is vastly different from yours. It would not be like going on vacation at all.

If you are wondering what you should bring and what you should get rid of, here are some tips.

Say Goodbye to Your Furniture

You are going to have to call clearance services before you move because your furniture is not traveling to your new home with you.

It would be too expensive to ship your beds and cabinets to the United States, for example. Buying new stuff when you arrive at your destination would be more cost-effective.

Sell your belongings before you move and use the money you earn by buying new furniture.

If, however, you have an antique table that has been passed down to you by a family member or a favorite chair that you do not want to discard, you can, of course, ship it to your new address. You can choose to transport the item by air or by sea. Either way, be prepared to pay a lot.

Otherwise, leave the television sets, the washing machine and dryer, the oven and the gas range, the couches and the carpets, etc. in your home country.

What About Hobbies and Interests?

You have spent years and hundreds of pounds building your own personal library or action figure collection. It will be heartbreaking to leave them behind but, again, transporting them to your new home would be very expensive. Choose a few items in your collection that are valuable or you cannot part with. The rest, give away to family and friends or sell to fellow enthusiasts.

For other stuff of interest, like a guitar or a bicycle, it would be practical to bring them when you move abroad.

Clothes: To Keep or Discard?

Family moving in

You will need clothes. Likely after your move, there would not be time for you to go shopping as you try to settle in your new home. It also would not be too difficult to pack your clothes and bring them with you.

However, you may want to get rid of some stuff in your wardrobe. Clothes that are not meant to be worn in certain climates should go. For example, if you are moving to a tropical country, you have to say goodbye to your winter coat. You might also want to let go of duplicates. How many jeans do you actually need?

A smaller wardrobe will give you more room to bring other stuff, like a blanket that your grandmother made by hand or a piece of art from your best friend, without the extra cost.

Necessary Documents

You also have to make space for important documents that you might need when you move abroad. Aside from passport and visa, you would want to bring copies of your birth certificates, medical and school records, and others. Keep them in a safe location during your travel and once you settle into your new home.

Moving abroad means leaving behind things that are familiar to you, including a lot of your belongings. Treat this as an opportunity to start over.

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