Tips for Marketing Cleaning Services to Working Parents

Working parents are the most important customers of cleaning services. They live busy lives and often have no time or energy to do their housechores on top of juggling their full-time jobs and childcare.

These services can help working parents by freeing up their time so they can focus on their loved ones and careers. Cleaning services can range from general cleaning to oven cleaning and carpet cleaning, and they can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each family. Cleaning can be on a weekly, biweekly, monthly or occasional basis.

By hiring a cleaning service, working parents can enjoy peace of mind and more free time.

But how do cleaning services reach out to working parents? Here are a few tips.

person holding a broom

Incentivize Word of Mouth Recommendations

If working parents aren’t online, how can they learn about your service? One way is through word-of-mouth referrals from friends and family members who use your product or service already.

Offer incentives like free cleanings so that customers will recommend you to their loved ones. This is the best way to reach out to working parents who are not online.

A phased marketing approach helps build credibility with potential customers gradually. First, provide cleaners for friends and family members at no cost in exchange for recommendations. Second, offer a free initial cleaning for new homebuyers when they move in. The following tips are helpful for people looking to market their cleaning services on social media or via an app:

Be Active on Social Media

Don’t just post pictures of your service’s work; post testimonials from happy clients as well! These can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Yelp, and other networks where your target audience is present. When someone posts a photo of your team doing work at their house, they’re essentially handing you free advertising. You can place these photos on their page or your company’s Facebook page and also use them in future advertisements.

Be Smart With Your App Marketing

It’s no secret that consumers everywhere are turning to mobile apps for shopping, searching, and comparing prices and deals before making a purchase. If you want to market your cleaning services effectively, create an app that is user-friendly and informative. If someone uses your app, it means they’re serious about hiring your service because the download process itself takes time and effort!

You should include all of the information potential customers need such as pricing information, directions to your company’s location(s), available hours for scheduling appointments, and contact. Since many consumers use coupon codes to save money, you should have language on your site that offers coupons for first-time customers.

Also, note how users will benefit from using your app. What are the features they’ll enjoy most? How will it make their lives easier? Try to put yourself in your customer’s shoes so you can market your product more effectively.

Highlight How You Can Help Working Parents

While it’s important to market your products and services on social media, make sure the message cuts through all of the noise. Focus on how you can help working parents by freeing up their time. Talk about how working parents often don’t have time for themselves. Discuss tips on how reducing time doing chores can give them more opportunities to bond with their children.

Feature story of clients whose lives have been improved by hiring a professional cleaning crew to help them with their daily chores. If you can, interview clients and post videos on your website, Facebook page, or YouTube channel to demonstrate how hiring a cleaning service has changed their lives.

Your marketing should convey the message that your services will help working parents be more productive and reach their goals faster by freeing up time to focus on more important things in life.

Partner with Other Businesses

Don’t be afraid to work with other businesses to market your cleaning service. Work with local daycare centers, childcare agencies, summer camps, or online forums for parents to have your logo or link featured on their website. This will not only generate more visibility for your business but it help working parents find you by advertising your services directly to them.

Above all, make sure your marketing is honest. No one will trust you to give them quality service if you’re dishonest with them about what your business can do for them. Be transparent about pricing and the type of services you offer so customers have a good idea of how much it will cost and why they need your cleaning crew in their life.

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