One of the toughest challenges any entrepreneur will face is managing his workforce. His ability to do this will determine whether the organization achieves long-term success.

Three ways to get the best out of your staff are training, setting clear rules and expectations, and creating a great corporate culture.

Personal Growth through Training

There are plenty of reasons why employees quit their jobs. Some do it because they hate their boss and cannot stand working for him any longer. Others jump ship wanting to get higher salaries or more benefits. A third group is those who feel stuck. They have gone as far as they can go, and there is no more room for growth.

Let us focus on the latter. Even if you manage a horizontal organization where promotions are scarce, and most employees have been in the same position for a long time, there are still things you can do to better your staff. One of the most important ones is training. Whether they take part in a leadership seminar, enhance their business communication skills, or learn a new language, training serves various purposes.

First, it lets your workers know that you care about them and not only the bottom line. Second, their skills are improving, and as a result, they can do more for your organization. Third, training provides you with the possibility of networking with experts. These are people who can provide a long-term benefit to your business.

Clarity in Rules and Expectations

The most devastating aspect of earthquakes is that they are unpredictable. No matter how much technology a country has or how knowledgeable its engineers are, an earthquake will hit without a moment’s notice. Thus, in the majority of cases, the damage will be irreparable.

A similar phenomenon is seen in business, specifically in the handling of labor. If employees know that they have to work until midnight without getting any overtime incentives, they will do so. After all, this is what they signed up for when they joined the company.

Yet, if this is not in the contract, it’ll come as a surprise to them, and the level of push back and dissatisfaction will be enormous.

The problem many organizations face is not the rule itself or how many there are. On the contrary, the thing employees take issue with is not having enough rules or having unclear ones.

“This is not what I am being paid to do.” “What you are asking me now is not what you told me in the interview.” “You said we could take three days off, not two.” These and other similar complaints are widespread in more than a few companies. Managers don’t set clear expectations at the beginning and then wonder why employees are unhappy.

team of employees

A Great Company Culture

Everybody talks about great company culture, but few actually know how to define it. Is it an organization where all employees are happy? Is it based more on a stable management team and a responsible board of directors? Does great company culture represent high sales numbers and profitability?

All three answers are valid. Still, what matters is not what the term represents. The important thing is how to achieve it. If you find yourself looking for answers, you could start by looking at few different aspects, including:

  • A staff that is in alignment with company goals. If your employees share your vision, they will be more than willing to do what it takes to get there.
  • Employees who are motivated to work. Ability is meaningless if there is no desire. A person can be incredibly skilled, but without motivation, he will get nowhere.
  • An environment built for teamwork and cooperation. Some companies are fun to be at, even if the workload is high. The same goes for colleagues. A good partner will increase efficiency tenfold.
  • Sense of belonging. All people working for the enterprise feel as though they are shareholders in the venture. They are not merely employees getting paid a monthly salary but essential contributors and drivers of success.
  • Building leaders. At some point, CEOs will step down, and managers will give way for newcomers. Is your organization ready for this? Will your replacement be as good as you?

These and other features showcase what great company culture is and where the organization should be trying to get.

Nobody joins an organization to quit. Most do so because they want to grow as individuals and be part of something special. Whether this is achieved depends on how much management cares and what they are willing to do.

By placing proper value on training, rules and regulations, and the organization’s culture, companies will ensure low turnover rates and thrive in any industry they find themselves in.

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