Expand Your Home With Outdoor Living Spaces

When you are thinking of a home upgrade, don’t stop with only your home interior. If you have a large space around your home, it makes it the prime space for the addition of outdoor living spaces. Many people assume that it only means adding a patio. But expanding to the outdoors provides more options nowadays. Here are some ideas on what you can add to your home that will be sure to catch the eye and provide some comfort.

A Deck

On the surface, a patio and a deck are pretty similar. But there is one big difference: the presence of wooden flooring. When you build a deck, you lay down wooden flooring that will compose the main part of the structure. Besides that, decks usually have railings on the sides. This allows them to built on the second floor of your home if you want to.

When you’re planning a deck, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important of these is what sort of wood you plan to use. The emphasis nowadays is to use real wood since it gives the deck a unique feel. There is also the sort of deck that you want. It is possible to build free-standing decks that can exist independently of your house. This is nice if your home is overlooking a nice view and you position the deck, so you have good sightlines. You can build a deck over a patio. This is a great solution for a patio that has fallen into disrepair.

A Pergola

If you already have a patio or a deck, you can extend your outdoor space even more by having a building company construct a pergola. This is what people call a long shaded walkway that usually features woody vines on a lattice roof. Depending on your approach, you might place chairs or planters on the side. The main purpose of the pergola is to connect outdoor features. If you have a free-standing deck some distance away, then adding a pergola can create a nice little shaded path towards it. You can even use it to lead people to a garden feature. These are great features since they allow for the free flow of air while also protecting people from sunlight.

Similar to decks, you also have to make some decisions. For one, you need to choose whether to custom-build your pergolas or use a kit. There are several kits out there that only need you to follow instructions so you can have a pergola ready quickly. The advantage of custom building is that you can ask for a specific design or even get creative with it. Additionally, you can have your choice of materials. Wood is the traditional option. But fiberglass can be worth the investment. The strong material will be able to face the elements better, and they can hold on to paint better. They are also pretty lightweight, so they are less of a hassle in setting up.

A Balcony

For a more modest outdoor expansion, you should consider a small balcony. This is ideal for a house with a second floor. Depending on how small you want your balcony, you might want to accommodate two to four people, with a nice space for a lounge. Put some shade up, and you can have the perfect getaway from your house, without needing to go further.

A Garden

If you have a lot of space, one of the major things you can do to your backyard is to build a garden. This is a perfect place to spend time with your family during the warm months. A well-designed garden has elements that make it a relaxing environment, while the shade provided by the plants keeps everything cool. You’ll need a good landscaper though so that you can get the results that you want.

Besides a place of relaxation, you can also use the garden as a hobby area. Plant and cultivate various herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Growing your food can keep you busy while providing you with tasty treats.

A Pool

outdoor pool

Another major upgrade would be to add a pool area. While the pool is the main part of this change, you should not ignore the area around the pool. It should have places to relax for the swimmers, while also preventing the water from seeping into the ground. It can be an expensive improvement, but it can be worth it.

Leaving space around your home idle can be a waste. Ensure that you get the full use out of your property by expanding out. With these upgrades, you can be sure to add more functionality to your home.

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