Fun Activities for the Family After a Big Move

You have a new home; you inevitably have new problems as well. After spending the whole day unpacking and moving your old furniture from the pick-up truck, you feel a sense of dread and buyer’s remorse when you finally get to settle and get a look around the house. Furniture marks may be present, and some leaks might be present here and there, but at least you have completed unloading boxes and finishing up the move. Now that the movers have come and gone, it’s just you and your family.

There are many things you can do with your family after a move. It is important to note that the mental health of children can suffer during a move. Supposing you just bought an already constructed home, the possibilities you can do and dive into is almost endless. Moving doesn’t have to be all bad.


In a caucus that I will never be able to hold, I am sure that the most commonly held opinion of the first thing you should do after a move is to clean up. Cleaning up the clutter of what the previous owner kept is essential to form a clean slate. A clean environment promotes a healthier mental state. With everyone’s help, things will be even less hassle. Who knows? You might be able to uncover and find second-hand items that can still be greatly useful.


Painting your children’s rooms with them is an enjoyable endeavor you can try out. With painting, your children will have the liberty to pick a color or a scheme that they really want. They will also share a fond memory with you.

painting wood

Installing Accents

Installing different accents inside and around your home is one of the many activities you can do with your family. You can easily ask for their opinions and preferences of what they envision your house will look like. An entertainment center can be constructed simultaneously with a garden bar covered by a patio sun and wind canopy. You have the power to make your house feel like a summer home. The basement can be transformed into a mini library or office for the adults to make room for some productive alone time. The patio itself can be made into a barbecue area with the appropriate fittings.

Playing with the Kids

Playing with your other family members is not off the table. An amusing way to explore every facet of the house is to play hide-and-seek. Not only will you explore every hidden corner of your new house, but you will also benefit from the cardio you get out of it.

Shopping Together

Together, you can shop for the necessities for your house. Surely, there will some things missing when you are moving into an already occupied home. There are many things you would want to include especially if you are moving to a bigger home. Shopping with the family can ensure that most voids in the household will be filled.

family with pizza

Having Food Delivered

Doing absolutely nothing is also a great decision. After a long day of tugging boxes and cleaning up, doing nothing is a great way to unwind. Have food delivered and watch an online series you all like is a good treat to stave away boredom. Studies have suggested that doing nothing and turning off all distractions is good for creativity and problem-solving. Doing nothing can also lead to breakthroughs and self-discovery.

Having a Cookout

Treat your family to a cookout. Cooking out also gives you a chance to share food with your new neighbors. Get to know them by making a little more than what you would usually cook and go around the neighborhood with your delicious family specialty.


Moving can be difficult, especially for families. Adjusting to the new place does not have to be hard. Integrate various activities after unloading all the boxes to keep the morale up and the bond strong with your family.

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