10 Eco-friendly Home Improvements You Can Make on a Budget

In an age where sustainability is a growing concern, many people are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save money. The costs of living are going up, but at the same time, disposable incomes have been decreasing.

Climate change is no longer an abstract concept but rather a reality that needs to be tackled with concrete measures. Eco-friendly living is no longer just another trend but something that’s becoming more of an absolute necessity.

Fortunately, one of the best ways to practice sustainable living is by improving your home through simple upgrades. There are a lot of inexpensive things you can do to improve the environmental impact of your household without increasing monthly bills or costing a fortune; here are 10 ideas:

1. Replace all your light bulbs with LED lights

This is by far one of the best and cheapest ways to save money on your energy costs. LED light bulbs provide excellent lighting quality and can last up to 25 times longer than traditional light bulbs. These bulbs use only a fraction of power compared to traditional lights, so you can expect huge savings in your electricity bills.

2. Switch to a tankless or on-demand water heater

Tankless or on-demand water heaters are extremely efficient because they eliminate standby energy losses. These units only heat the amount of water you need at a given time, so they’re constantly cycling on and off to provide your household with endless hot water whenever you need it.

3. Install attic insulation

For an instant energy boost, you can’t go wrong by insulating your attic. When installing insulation in your roof or under your floorboards, be sure to consult a professional, as the installation process can be tricky and dangerous for those with little insulation experience.

4. Repurpose your old clothes or donate them

donating old clothes

Instead of throwing away clothes that are no longer in fashion, consider donating them to charity. Not only will you be helping others who need it, but this is also an excellent way to reuse your old items. You can also repurpose old clothes by using boy patterns and other sewing templates so that you can create new pieces for your sons or nephews.

5. Install energy-efficient windows

In addition to upgrading the insulation in your home, installing energy-efficient windows can be a great way to reduce heating and cooling costs. These types of windows are designed to trap heat inside during the winter and keep it out during summer, so you can save big on your monthly bills.

6. Plant vegetables or herbs around your house

Adding plants to your backyard is an excellent way to improve the environment. Not only do you get to enjoy their beauty, but plants are also known for absorbing harmful greenhouse gases and other pollutants in the air. You can even grow vegetables or herbs at home, so you always have fresh veggies on hand.

7. Use an aerating sprinkler instead of a spray nozzle

You can save a lot of money on water bills by watering your lawn or garden with an aerating sprinkler. These types of sprinklers use less water than regular spray nozzles but still deliver the same amount of coverage.

8. Install a low-flow showerhead and faucet aerator

Low-flow showerheads and water-efficient faucets are excellent ways to reduce your water consumption. They use less than half the amount of water traditional showerheads do, so you’ll be able to save more water in the long run.

9. Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances

Most appliances used at home can release dangerous greenhouse gases and contribute to global carbon emissions. By upgrading your appliances to energy-efficient models, you can cut down on your carbon footprint and lessen your expenses in the process.

10. Watch your electricity, gas, and water meters

By keeping a close eye on your water and energy consumption, you can spot small leaks and other issues that could be wasting precious resources. Admittedly, this will require the help of your family members because you’ll have to monitor your meter each week or so, but it can reduce your utility bills.

Although the aforementioned list is far from being extensive, it should give you a good idea of what to look for if you want to improve your home’s eco-friendliness without increasing your monthly bills. Also, keep in mind that improving your home’s energy efficiency can increase its value.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to contact local contractors if you want to see what kind of improvements they can offer you. Not only will they most likely have a few good ideas, but it’s also an excellent way to get free advice from professionals about sustainable practices when it comes to maintaining a green home.

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