Sustainability Matters: How to Make Your Business More Energy Efficient

Besides fighting against environmental destruction, incorporating green policies into your business brings several positive impacts — with over 47% of consumers saying they’re willing to pay 25% more for products produced sustainably. Here are seven ways to make your business more energy-efficient and sustainable:

Opt for Renewable Energy

One of the best ways to make your business more sustainable and energy-efficient is by investing in renewable energy. It’s best to conduct regular EICR inspections to ensure all electrical installations and systems within your company are correctly installed, safe, and maintained. Nowadays, solar panels with inverters are becoming cheaper and convenient, making them the perfect renewable energy source for your business.

Although it’s a sizable investment, it will come with multiple benefits for your business over time.

Reduce Single-Use Items 

Single-use items account for around 150 million tons of plastic waste every year. Luckily, you can replace them with their more environmentally friendly reusable counterparts. If you own a restaurant or coffee shop, you may rely on these single-use items for take-outs and deliveries. You can help excess plastic waste out of landfills and oceans by using compostable or recyclable plates and cutlery.

Additionally, if you run a retailer shop, replace reusable bags instead of plastic bags. When you switch to compostable items, you’ll help reduce the carbon footprint of your business significantly.

Minimize Water Usage 

Companies and public institutions are responsible for over 25% of the water used in metropolitan areas, and you can help by reducing your business’s water usage. Pumping, cleaning, or distributing water takes energy, and conserving enables you to uphold responsible and more sustainable practices — saving the environment and your money.

To reduce your water usage, begin by identifying leaks on your property. Although leaky faucets may not seem like a massive deal, if you leave them unaddressed, these can waste around 10,000 gallons of water. However, if you run a company depending on water, like a restaurant or cafe, you can install low-flow water valves, conserving the water you use.

Implement Recycling and Composting Measures

Adding recycling bins and composting bins across your business can encourage workers and customers to participate in your company’s sustainable practices. Compostables are items that eventually turn into compost, which you can use to improve soil health. Some towns and cities are currently offering composting options as part of their recycling programs, so make sure to look into the offering available for your business.

You can recycle old electronics, empty ink or toner cartridges, and other office supplies to lessen your impact on the environment.

light bulbs

Contribute to Planting and Reforestation 

As people ease back into more social settings as vaccines become available, you’re likely looking for team activities to do with your staff. Why not take the opportunity to make a company garden or volunteer and plant trees at a local park. Additionally, a tree-planting team-building event can be fun and cooperative, all while offsetting pollution and beautifying your business.

There are multiple reforestation initiatives your business can join. It’s best to take advantage of it and make an event to promote your corporation while contributing to the surroundings. Additionally, adding growing plants inside your corporate buildings and general workplace is an excellent way to purify them and combat indoor air pollution.  

Upgrade Lighting

Changing old lighting fixtures and bulbs for newer and more energy-efficient lighting is one of the fastest ways to reduce your energy bills. Although LEDs are more costly out-of-pocket than conventional incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, the payback you get from energy savings is typically between 3 months and one year, depending on your usage and electricity rates. Additionally, using fixtures with timers, occupancy sensors, and photocells can help reduce costs.

Build Sustainable Partnerships  

The local community depends on your business just as you rely on it for profit. You can help your business become more sustainable while contributing to the sustained health of your community by partnering with local environmental organizations. The things you can company do include:

  • Host fundraising events to spread awareness and raise money
  • Donate supplies to the environmental organization of your choice
  • Give away goods and services during community clean-up efforts

By supporting local community efforts to be more environmentally friendly, you’ll be attracting new clients sharing the same desire to make a greener and more sustainable future.

Thanks to the environmental trends that companies follow, sustainability is becoming a bigger priority for many businesses. Not only does it affect cost structures, but it also is becoming an increasingly vital differentiator for investors, consumers, and customers. The best way to make your business greener and more sustainable starts with any of the methods mentioned.

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