Surprising Items Around the House that You Should Replace

Certain items in the house need to be changed regularly. Your kitchen sponge, for example, may look fine, but it might be harboring bacteria that will make your family ill. According to experts, your kitchen sponge should be changed every week.

The filters on your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system should be switched every couple of months. If not, it can affect the air quality inside your home. It will not be able to catch particles that may trigger allergies or other respiratory problems.

Although less frequently, there are other items inside and outside your home that should be replaced. Here are some things that are probably already due for an update.

Your Electrical Appliances

Your electrical appliances are created to run for years, but, eventually, you will need to upgrade to a newer unit. Your refrigerator should be replaced every 15 to 20 years. Even if your current unit is still working, if it is more than a decade old, you should consider calling garbage bins rental to get rid of your refrigerator.

The refrigerators that were recently released in the market are more energy-efficient than the old ones. Refrigerators made a decade ago uses up twice more electricity than the models that are certified Energy Star. Certified Energy Star refrigerators are environmentally-friendly, and it can save your household a lot of money in the long run by lowering your utility bills.

Your dishwasher, too, should be replaced. Your dishwasher can only give you eight to ten years of regular use. If you are still using an old unit, you will benefit by switching to a new model that is more energy- and water-efficient.

Wooden Deck

The materials used to create your deck is not meant to last forever. Wooden planks only have a lifespan of 15 years before it needs to be replaced. If the outdoor living space is not maintained correctly, the material has to be replaced sooner, or it will compromise the structural integrity of the deck.

Different materials have different lifespans. Structural wood may not need a replacement for the next 30 years. Meanwhile, composite decking can only be used for up to 25 years.


Like the deck, the roof gets damaged and disintegrate because it is regularly exposed to environmental elements. That is why it should be maintained and, eventually, replaced.

If you live in an old house, you need to know when the last time the current roof has been installed and what was done to maintain it. These factors will affect when a reroofing is necessary.

A tile or slate roof has a long lifespan. You may not need to replace it even after 50 years or so. However, asphalt shingles can only give you 20 years of protection. On the other hand, fiber cement can last for 25 years, while a wood shake roof has a lifespan of about 30 years.

Your roof will tell you if it is time for a reroofing. You will start to notice damages that would either be too costly to repair or the problem has spread throughout the roof.


A carpet can make a room cozy, but it may also be a health hazard. You should only use your carpet within ten years. If it is older than a decade, you should replace it. Dirt, dust, and other debris can accumulate in a carpet. That is why it should be vacuumed regularly and then deep-cleaned occasionally.

However, no matter how diligently you vacuum and deep-clean, an older carpet may still retain particles that can exacerbate symptoms of allergies. If you start sneezing uncontrollably, it is time to get rid of the old carpet.


The mattress loses its support over time. When you find yourself waking up in the morning with body aching and feeling unrested, it is time to change the bed.

Mattresses should only be used for up to a decade. If you have not been taking good care of it, it might become less comfortable only after a few years. If you are 40 years old and above, you should only use your mattress for five to seven years because your body can tolerate less pressure as you age.

old chairs

These replacements are going to be expensive. However, it will be worth it. Although proper maintenance can make any item work efficiently without a problem for years, they will eventually break down. Sometimes, newer technology can make your life better, too.

So, look around. Think about which items around the house have been there for a long time. Maybe it needs to be upgraded sooner than later.

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