Three Practical Considerations When Undertaking a Home Design

Many homeowners who set themselves to the purpose of redesigning their property will start with a clear vision in mind. In an era dominated by social media, getting acquainted with the different looks and options available can take minutes, even for those without a background in design. You can easily browse through the latest interior design trends and find which aesthetic is the most appealing. Some may overlap; do you prefer minimalist or Scandinavian? Online resources can help you mix and match elements to create the vibe you want.

Grasping the essence of a design aesthetic is undoubtedly essential when it comes to executing your vision, but it’s not the only thing that matters when planning a renovation. Some problems may be encountered at every stage of the construction process, and even after the project is completed, there are some kinks and wrinkles that will only be detected over time, through everyday use. Good overall design minimizes these issues by taking the following practical considerations into account.

Cost versus quality

If you’ve ever tried your hand at DIY home improvement, you’ll know that quality materials can make a lot of difference in the right application, but at the same time, getting such hands-on experience also demonstrates the value of managing costs. Hardwood flooring, for instance, can have a wide price range, factor in the varying cost of installation and labor, and you could end up with a low end of $1000 and a high end of over ten times that amount.

It’s tempting to go for the least expensive option of reasonable quality, but there are some areas where cutting corners can lead to problems down the line that is not worth it. For instance, major doors in the home need sturdy, flush metal door jambs to avoid any costly issues in the simple matter of opening and closing properly. If it’s an area of the home that sees frequent use, quality often translates to durability and is what you need to invest in.

Form versus function

interior design

Homes are made to be lived in, not put on display indefinitely. The occupants will doubtless appreciate a thoughtfully styled and curated look, but the activities of daily life must also be enabled, not hindered, by the interior design. The kitchen is a perfect example of this need to balance form against function; often considered the heart of the home, it’s a place where people spend a lot of time preparing meals and entertaining. An attractive kitchen design enlivens the mood, but the layout also needs to be clean, accommodating people’s movements and storage of items. Elaborate décor or ornate fixtures might just be getting in the way.


Designing for the present is a common trap in the construction of homes and buildings. Yet these structures are made to last and can be inhabited for decades, sometimes leased to different occupants or sold to new owners. Considerations of sustainability may not be able to account for the future use of the property, but increasingly, green residential design is looking at the context of the home to make the right decisions in terms of both present-day functionality and historic potential or deconstruction and reusability of materials.

A great vision for design is a vital source of inspiration when undertaking a home renovation, but considering these practicalities will better inform decisions made to address any issues on the ground, both now and in the long term.

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