Preparing the Room For When the Baby Comes

The mixed feelings you have after finding out you are pregnant can’t be compared to any other moment in your life. One moment, you feel nervous because this has never happened to you. Then, this nervousness eventually transitions to anxiety because you doubt if you are adequate a person to properly raise a child. Even so, you and your partner try your best to adjust to the new reality that is going to drastically change some more after nine months of conception.

And, just like that, time passed when you were still acclimating yourself in your first trimester. Now, in your final trimester, you are bound between feelings of excitement and just wanting to get things over with, as in, get the baby, that has been slowing you down, out. And so, preoccupy yourself with thoughts of how to usher your little one carefully in this, otherwise, less perfect world.

Only then do you reach an epiphany that, while you were too engrossed with the big picture, there is one crucial thing you missed and that is the room you and your baby are going to spend the next few months. Sure, you’ve purchased the crib, car seat, clothes, diapers, and burp cloths earlier, but your baby room may not be ready to open for service just yet.

Here’s how to ensure that you are all set just before things get all hectic once the water breaks:

Intuitive Layout

The moment you get home for the first time as a trio, time will temporarily be warped to favor your baby’s sleep and waking cycle. Slowly, he will have to be the center of your lifestyle as a couple and take our word for it, your house will look like a whirlwind just struck it unless you get the baby essentials sorted as early as possible. To make the first few months as smooth-sailing as possible, amid your distorted body clocks, it is important to install the most functional furniture in your baby room.

Get a dresser and shelf that you can screw fixed onto the wall and that has enough drawer space to store the baby’s clothes, bibs, cleaning wipes, diapers, mittens, toys, and other implements. Do yourself the favor of putting highly visible labels on containers and compartments so you would not have to create a mess just to take what you need.

You want them to be tall enough so you can conveniently put equipment like a mini-fridge and pump for your breast milk. Also, the accessible height could work to substitute for your changing station, that is, if the need to change the baby’s nappies is dire.

Have a soiled clothing basket near the changing station. For you and your baby’s comfort, you can keep odors at bay by making sure the room has a window that is big enough to ensure regular air in and outflow. The window would also supply the room with a healthy amount of natural light. If you are worried that outdoor light could have too much glare, place sheer curtains before the window.

As much as possible, your baby room should be the most accessible possible especially during midnight and the paths should be well-lit. For days when it is extra hard to put the baby to sleep, a three-sided bassinet you can fix to your bedside would be the most convenient option.

Safe for Everyone

Baby monitors are becoming advanced with time. Aside from seeing your baby on the camera through the complementary application you installed on your smartphone, new baby monitor models come with a strap-on monitor that will alert you of abnormalities in the baby’s vital signs including SPO2 levels. Some brands bring more value to parents by offering personalized care tips based on your baby’s vital monitoring record.

Make sure that, if the crib you bought has wheels, that the wheels’ locks are functional. As an extra measure get a crib mat or carpet the entire room to not only catch spills but also to add traction to the feet of the crib. You also need to ensure that the distance between the bars of the crib is narrow enough to prevent falls but not too narrow as to trap your baby’s limbs for when he becomes more frisky.

Easy to Clean


Sleep-deprived, you and your partner will surely have less patience to clean up the room. You can keep the room as tidy as possible, though, by putting only things that are easy to clean. For instance, install only seamlessly designed furniture. Make sure the walls of the room are coated with water-proof paint and that your baby’s mattresses and pillows are machine-washable.

Also, use highly efficient tools. Keep microfiber towels and disinfectant sprays in handy. When you can, invest in a baby feeder organizer that is integrated with a washer. You can always use a vacuum and washer to clean stains on your carpet but, if you can’t be bothered to maneuver heavy tools like this, you can schedule a deep cleaning service with professional carpet cleaners.

Breastfeeding Station

Breastfeeding is a learning curve for both you and your baby. He can only successfully latch onto your nipple when you are in the most comfortable position. A lounge chair isn’t going to be in the baby’s room by chance but to allow you to sit properly to breastfeed him.

Spare yourself from getting overwhelmed by first-time parenting by preparing your baby’s room as early as possible. Also, believe and stay strong and you will do just fine.

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