Rental Property Improvement: Five Ways to Boost Curb Appeal

Investing in a good home exterior is more than the aesthetics or visuals. It’s also a valuable marketing tool for real estate investors, particularly rental property owners. Having an impressive curb appeal can lead to higher rent and reduce vacancies. For some, improving the exterior of the property may not be as exciting as working on the interior. But it plays a critical part in keeping tenants and attracting new ones. 

With a stunning curb appeal, you can boost the rental property’s value by 7% or higher. It affects the overall quality of the house. The challenging part is deciding on the right exterior improvements to work and invest money on. To help you with that, we’ve already listed the best curb appeal improvements you can consider.

1. Work on a tasteful yard

The landscape is an essential element of curb appeal. If the lawn isn’t freshly mowed or the pavement is already damaged, the property is not pleasing to look at. Firstly, plant attractive perennial flowers to bring life into the garden. Don’t forget to law down fresh mulch too. You can also place potted plants on different corners near the house itself. Also, any walkway should be illuminated with energy-saving landscape lights. If the property doesn’t have a driveway, hire someone who can design and build a beautiful driveway that fits your exterior style. Features like driveways and garages are additions that can up the wow factor of your rental place.

2. Update the front door

Prospective tenants won’t be enticed to look inside the house if the front door is musty or looks outdated. If you want to attract tenants and money into your business, you need to showcase a good entryway. Replace your rental’s front door once it starts showing great signs of wear and tear. They are not painful to look at, but they can also cause safety issues for the tenants.

Get a new one that stands out yet still accentuates the house’s exterior. Bold colors like cobalt and turquoise are two of the most attention-grabbing options. If you’re looking to appeal to a broader range of people, standard yet classy colors like charcoal black is a fantastic option.

3. Get a paint job done

Are you looking for something simple to execute but can make a huge impact? A paint job can make that happen. Whether it’s a complete paint job or just a touch-up, it can impact the face of your investment property. Utilize tasteful and vivid colors to brighten up the look of your exterior. If you cannot decide on what paint colors to go for, look around the neighborhood.

Search for the best-looking houses and get inspiration from them. But don’t replicate their exterior colors. Keep in mind that you need to make your rental property stand out. You can just paint the front door if the other parts of the exterior still look fine. Among the most popular colors for residential doors are slate blue, teal, and red.

4. Schedule a pressure wash

The exterior of your residential property can collect mildew and dirt over time. They can be hard to notice when they start building up, but if you’re not attentive enough, it can ruin your property’s exterior and even the interior. To protect the surfaces of the house, it’s best to pressure wash them regularly.

You can rent or buy one. Proper pressure-washing can bring back the beauty of the house and extend the outdoor elements’ lifespan. Blast surfaces such as patios, driveways, pool decks, walkways, and yard fences. If you’re not confident with your pressure-washing skills, you can always hire a professional for around $100 to $300.

5. Invest in a new mailbox

a row of mailboxes

Property owners don’t often think about mailboxes. But for buyers or tenants, a rotting old mailbox is already a turnoff. If you ignore such simple detail, renters may assume that you care less. Getting a new mailbox is not a huge expense at all. If you’re handy, there are various guides online for building mailboxes that you can follow. Or, you can buy a new mailbox and lumber at your local hardware store. Take note of the standard concept of mailboxes in the neighborhood and get one that still fits in.

The curb appeal of your rental property can set expectations, allowing you to up your rental price and boost its overall value. Exterior improvement and maintenance is a continuous job that requires your attention from time to time. If you want to keep the renters happy and satisfied, maintain a wow-worthy exterior.

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