January 2022

pharmacist holding a product

Five Best Recession-Proof Business Ideas

Recessions are terrible for businesses, workers and even worse for families. People suffer economically, mentally and, as a result, also develop physical illnesses. Such testing times lead to families breaking their fixed deposits. Some people even sell their homes to meet daily expenses and emergencies. But do you know there exist businesses that never go […]

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Digital Marketing for Material Suppliers: Ways to Promote Your Construction Supply Business

There’s no denying how the construction industry is booming. Sure, it might have a temporary hiatus during this COVID-19 crisis. However, it will continue to flourish in the new normal or after the pandemic. Vital to the construction businesses are the material suppliers. They provide the needed supplies, whether sand and gravel, natural stones, home decors, or prefabricated

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Top 10 Best-Selling Retail Items You Should Always Have on Stock

When it comes to convenience stores and their inventory, owners and managers should always keep in mind that the goal is to satisfy customers and be profitable. This usually means stocking items that sell well and provide a good amount of profit for you. There’s no actual specific secret recipe to finding the most profitable

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condominium buildings

The Surfside Collapse: The Dangers of Improper Waterproofing

Just before dawn on June 24, 2021, Champlain Towers South, a 12-story oceanfront condominium in the town of Surfside, Florida partially collapsed, killing 98 people. Four survivors were rescued from the rubble, but one died of injuries upon arriving at the hospital. Eleven others were wounded, and approximately 35 people who were trapped in the

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employees working on their macs while their colleagues talk in the background

6 Ways to Boost Your Workplace’s Internet Speed

Despite the advancements in Wi-Fi technology, a sluggish internet connection seems here to stay. It’s especially common in offices. According to a survey by MonsterCloud, 60% of 2,000 employees cited slow Wi-Fi as their top IT pet peeve. Surprisingly, even tech companies aren’t spared by this struggle. It’s a curious thing, considering we’re now in

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home improvement

The Many Faces of Home Business: Where to Set Up Your Venture

People consider their homes as vital spaces in their lives. They work hard to ensure they have a roof over their head, a place to perform essential survival routines, and a sanctuary for comfort and convenience. Only a residential property can provide those things, making the real estate sector profitable and competitive. Fortunately, it is

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man working remotely

Engaging Remote and Onsite Audiences during Hybrid Events

Although many events have shifted to in-person gatherings upon the increase in vaccinations, the new Omicron variant still has many people hesitant about in-person events. One way to accommodate both audiences—those willing to attend in person and those preferring to go online—is to hold hybrid events that engage both categories. Hybrid events are not a

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